Ilays Academy offers a vibrant and holistic education, where pupils are challenged and engaged in a range of intellectual, social, ethical and philosophical ways. While academic and cultural attainments are highly prized, we are fully committed to nurturing each pupil’s moral, emotional and physical wellbeing. Our goal is to prepare our pupils for fulfilling private and public lives wherever and however they go on to exercise their strengths on leaving the School.
We ensure that pupils are given plenty of opportunity to cultivate personal interests and initiatives, and to articulate, defend and hone their views of the world based on Islamic values. Independent thinking and exploration are strongly encouraged. Our aim is to draw out and develop individual talent wherever it lies, within a school environment that is busy, passionate and purposeful.
The life of the school is a happy and healthy one, where pupils find enormous satisfaction and security in an environment and group of people that seek to nurture their passions and help them fulfil their potential